Dedicated to the memory of Peter Spillett

This site is a tribute to Peter Spillett. He is much loved and will always be remembered.


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Tribute to my husband I searched across the internet I searched in every way But couldn’t find a single verse That said what I wanted to say. There were two sides to my husband And both need to be heard Since this is his funeral It is fitting he has the last word. He would have wanted an occasion With flowers and nashing of teeth To know that he had left his mark And we were all feeling the grief. He would have wanted a good turnout That recognised all that he’d done From the IFM to the RSPB To the fat men walks in the sun. But he would also have wanted to see us Holding hands and sharing our pain He would have wanted to know we were all OK Since he would not be with us again. For the friendships he built were lasting As shown by the contacts he left I can only apologise for those that I’ve missed And hope they are not too bereft! There is no doubt we will miss him For the fun and the laughter we shared For the irreverent humour he too often displayed To all of us for whom he cared. For myself I am lost without him Someone has taken my rock The counsel on which I could always rely The smile that reset the clock. So in the words of a song he probably hated And would have described as a dirge But words that describe how I’m feeling As in sadness I submerge. No one said it was easy It’s such a shame for us to part No one said it was easy No one ever said it would be this hard I wish I could go back to the start. Good bye Peter
7th February 2022
I suppose I must have known Peter for >70 years. Nearly all my parent's friends, like the Spillets, were in China during or after WWII, all the kids had an English father and a Chinese mother. Peter was older, bigger, cleverer and more hard working as pointed out by mother in traditional Chinese mother style after every visit. We both studied Biology, although he was macro and I was micro. As it happened we shared some similar interests in the environment, bird photography and football. I never got round to asking his advice about how to handle TW and contamination of my local River Lea, his photography was better than mine, but I fell he was rather let down by the decision to support Arsenal ( inherited from his father) rather than Manchester City, a minor victory! RIP Peter.
6th February 2022
I really enjoyed meeting Peter at an RSPB Local Group event in early 2020, and seeing his enthusiasm for his role. I know he did a great job to help get more people passionate about nature. I send my thoughts and condolences to his loved ones. Ellie Taylor (RSPB, Head of Engagement)
1st February 2022
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Berks, Bucks & Oxon Wildlife Trust Macmillan Cancer Support The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)
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